Creative Package Deals.
Find the right price for what YOU need.
Candidate Start-Up.
Launching a campaign is a lot like starting a company. There’s excitement and energy that you don’t normally get in a typical office. The Candidate start-up package offers competitive pricing for those just starting to build their war chest for the campaign trail ahead.
Campaign website
brand standards
launch video
Classic Creative.
you’ve established your business. you’re an incumbent office holder. You need to build up your creative marketing effort, and you need a lot of collateral. the Classic Creative package provides a flexible hourly rate for the full scope of services, from filming to graphic design.
Pre-paid Hourly rates
full scope of services
Filmmaker Plus.
You’ve got an in-house graphic designer. you don’t need all the extra fluff. You just need to increase your video presence. The filmmaker plus provides a discounted plan for multiple videos and a flexible rate. We’ve got the equipment, the software and the ability to tell your story.
multiple video plan
Lower cost per video
includes filming and editing