Creative Package Deals.

Find the right price for what YOU need.


Candidate Start-Up.

Launching a campaign is a lot like starting a company. There’s excitement and energy that you don’t normally get in a typical office. The Candidate start-up package offers competitive pricing for those just starting to build their war chest for the campaign trail ahead.

  • Campaign website

  • brand standards

  • launch video


Classic Creative.

you’ve established your business. you’re an incumbent office holder. You need to build up your creative marketing effort, and you need a lot of collateral. the Classic Creative package provides a flexible hourly rate for the full scope of services, from filming to graphic design.

  • Pre-paid Hourly rates

  • full scope of services

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Filmmaker Plus.

You’ve got an in-house graphic designer. you don’t need all the extra fluff. You just need to increase your video presence. The filmmaker plus provides a discounted plan for multiple videos and a flexible rate. We’ve got the equipment, the software and the ability to tell your story.

  • multiple video plan

  • Lower cost per video

  • includes filming and editing